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هوبيس لاب ديرما ماكس سيروم تفتيح البشرة 50 مل

Hubislab Derma Max Brightening Serum 50 ml is a serum used to brighten the skin by preventing dark spot formation and depigmenting preexisting ones. The serum uses its composition to suppress the formation of melanin and free radicals to induce the lightening of the skin and maintain an even complexion. Hubislab Derma Max Brightening Serum 50 ml ensures there is a balance in the hydration of the skin to prevent it from drying up and periodically moisturizing. The serum is suitable for brightening and evening out the complexion of all types of skin.

24.600 KD 24.6 KWD 24.600 KD

24.600 KD

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